Archive for September, 2008

Because we all gotta have 50 of something. AG13 Batteries 50-Pack

I never thought the day would come where I’d need three of something and out of principle decide to buy 50 because I could get them for the same price. The day has come. I bought a huge 50-Pack of AG13 mini batteries. I made a video of it using my hands to demonstrate the […]

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iPod protective socks are for more than just iPods

I never in a million years thought I’d be buying really fruity looking socks for my iPod. I must be the sucker of some really awesome marketing scheme ..but its probably just the fact I found a place I could get them cheap. Basically these socks are made of cotton, polyester and nylon. They stretch, […]

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Freeze Proof. Shock Proof. Water Proof. Olympus Stylus 850sw 8MP DigiCam

My favorite new toy is the Olympus Stylus 850SW under water camera. Once again, a beautiful product that is available in orange. I tested out this camera thoroughly for a week before I decided to buy it on sale for 259.99 or get the option to buy in a set for 269.99 with the floating […]

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Cable turtle smart wrap only sorta looks like a turtle

The cable turtle smart wrap is mainly for hiding those annoying cables you have on your desktop. Its pretty good, but the yellow ones get yellow powder on the white iPod cables. Kind of annoying, however it works and makes things look minimal, but I think these work best on areas below the desk where […]

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