Archive for November, 2008

The Dark Side of the Bread

Star Wars toaster gives new meaning to “the dark side.” Now you can join the Dark Side each morning by using the new Star Wars toaster. Simply put your bread in, press it down and wait for Vader to work his magic on your toast. Its right up there with the coolness factor of the […]

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Welcome back the 80’s with the Rubiks 8-Panel Magic Puzzle!

They’re back and they’re just as awesome! The wicked 80’s Rubiks 8-Panel Magic Puzzle was more fun than the Rubik’s cube, and they are back! Everything about this is exactly the same as the original. Unfortunately no one can be as awesome at these puzzles as yours truly so if you plan on going to […]

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Robotic Junkyard Dog made of scrap is more fun than playing with garbage

This programmable “mutt” is made of scrap, electronic and has over 80 moves. By remote you can give him different movements, sounds and even display his desires for food. If you are savvy enough to “hack” him, you can even make him act like a cat. Not quite sure the appeal of having a cat, […]

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Save up to 70% on electricity bills with these great power saving gadgets

The Trickle Star and the CheckTap. Both claim to be the first of their kind in taking power saving to a whole new level. The Trickle Star is expected to come out in January 2009. Here’s how it works: When the PC is switched off, the TrickleStar’s current sensing circuitry will cut power to the […]

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