Archive for December, 2008

Now you can drop the F-Bomb, literally

Now you can drop the f-bomb just by chucking it at your friends face. Honestly, this is almost better than a fart machine and I can just see how it would provide hours of enjoyment. Get your own f-bomb

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Snow or no snow, this sled goes, die hard sleders love the slicer

This appears to be a really cool invention until you realize that ice burn is no where near as bad as natures version of carpet burn with a little bit of grass stain on the side. If you could just control yourself and not buy things like this you’d probably be rich by now. I […]

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Grow carnivorous plants right on your desktop

Now you can be the envy of every person that has always wanted a Venus Fly Trap – and have every single carnivorous plant on the planet to boot. This awesome little plant dome includes: Venus Fly Trap Yellow Trumpet Hooded Pitcher Plant Purple Pitcher Plant Pale Trumpet Temperate Sundew Plants Cobra Lillies All of […]

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Merry Christmas, its official, only 364 more days until Christmas

Okay, so it might take a couple of years, but think about this: a 2 inch Christmas tree next year probably won’t result in you moving furniture. This will fit in your living room, and most likely have that Christmas Tree scent. Unless you live in a shoe box. Then it will just smell like […]

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