Archive for June, 2009

Say goodbye to microwaves, new laser ovens

The new “microwaves” of the future actually use two lasers crossing paths to instantly heat up your food. I can’t say it sounds all too safe to me. But all these years of standing next to the microwave while cooking your macaroni has probably left your nuts shriveled to the size of raisins. And unfortunately […]

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Own Marty McFly’s Hat from back to the future part 2

Okay, its no hover board, but if you idolize Michael J Fox like everyone else you can start by getting your own Back to the Future hat and look just like Marty via 2015. Now I’m not saying we are all going to be wearing stuff like this in 2015, but thats only like 6 […]

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7 LED mini flashlight keychain

You probably know by now that I love little gadgets, especially ones that actually work and involve LEDs. This handy little keychain flashlight is so bright that you can actually see in the dark. Hm, you were expecting a cool metaphor, weren’t you? Something like brighter than a child’s eyes on Christmas morning, or brighter […]

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A really stupid invention that makes me happy, the Comfort Wipe

Okay. So basically wiping your ass with your hand (and toilet paper of course) is “archaic and disgusting”. So some genius decided to advance how we use toilet paper into the 21st century. In the video you will notice a large male whom totally swears by it. But yah…I’m pretty sure this thing has allowed […]

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