Archive for March, 2010

Colourful, Squishy and Laser-filled Keyboards

Luxeed U5 Dynamic Pixel LED Keyboard This keyboard has over 400 LED’s that can change to any colour and is fully customizable. Which means if you wanted to make your entire keyboard orange, you could. And if you wanted to make it any other lesser colour than orange, you could do that as well. See […]

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Art Lebedev’s Optimus Maximus Keyboard with 113 LCD screens is wicked

For a cool $1300.00 you can own this unique computer keyboard from the great designers of Art Lebedev. I’ve always wanted to look at 113 screens at one time. I’m serious. This may not be feasible but if I plan things correctly, I could technically put 113 simultaneous sport casts on every single key of […]

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Bed loungers upgrade your bed to first class

This product reminds me of sitting way up in first class on a plane. Not that I’d actually know first hand what that looks like, but I’ve seen pictures. There’s something about this product that gives it a teency edge on a body pillow. Probably due to the fact it has arm rests. And yes, […]

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Botanical air purifers use plants to clean the air

If this invention isn’t enviro-friendly, I don’t know what is. These small botanical air purifers use the same principal in how one would attempt to make oxygen on Mars. Sorta. Basically the air purifiers grow the plants inside and then cycle fresh air out while enhancing the absorption of stale air in from the room. […]

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