Archive for April, 2011

Your best move is passing the salt with these awesome Salt and Pepper Mills

Here are some Salt & Pepper Mills that look perfect on the kitchen table. The only thing in question is where exactly will you place them? I’m guessing very strategically. These fine quality Salt & Pepper Mills are beautifully designed – they’re good enough for royalty, well, knights anyway. And hey! You finally have a […]

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Impress the ladies by opening bottles with your moustache

This is my kind of stache. This moustache shows people just how much of a connoisseur you can truly be. With a sleek and ergonomic design you can easily take handle of the party and start unscrewing til your hearts content. If you know what I’m saying. The HandleBar wine opener is pretty fancy. Overall […]

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When you’re feeling a little down get a backyard Bungee Bird Feeder

You’ve heard of birds on a wire, but how about a man on a string? Check this out! It’s a cool bungee jumping dude, made entirely out of bird food. Hey that rhymed! Sort of. But anyway. This bungee jumping man is a real pick-me-up. Not only do the peckish birds love pecking people, it’s […]

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For first-timers and old-timers, the Just 5 Cellphone is a breeze

Introducing the latest phones from Just5, a cell phone company unlike any other on the market today. Just5 creates cellphones catered to first-timers and old-timers. Simply put, they are mobile phones that are really, really, easy to use. They come in just 5 cool colours, (can you guess our favorite?) And to top it off, […]

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