Archive for July, 2010

Avoid pins and needles with The Arm Sleepers Pillow

The Arm Sleepers Pillow is one of those “Why didn’t I think of that?” inventions. But I did think of it. Just never did anything about it. But since this invention is pretty popular, it’s got me thinking. If there was a gadget that could stop my butt from falling asleep when I sit on […]

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Gingerbread Men go ninja, it’s Ninjabread Men!

These ninjabread men are another ingenious gadget idea from Fred and Friends. Basically they took the delicious Gingerbread man and got him cut out for action! Now that’s a feisty cookie! I have to say, the best part is when they act out a scene from Kill Bill. It’s a delicious massacre. Now all we […]

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Countless jokes with this Ketchup Bottle Top

This gadget is great for kids like myself. I’m not just saying that because I like to eat my hot dogs in twilight. It’s because kids seem to really like vampires these days for some reason. And really, really crappy movies. So why not make a gadget that jumps on the blood sucking band wagon […]

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Another bright idea – Glowing Bocce Balls

Glowing balls, nope, it’s not Christmas. It’s summer. And as long as it’s still warm out, why should the party stop when it gets dark? This glow-in-the-dark light up bocce ball set is saaaweeet. The balls feel like normal bocce balls, but they all light up with a bright LED light! And each one can […]

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