Archive for July, 2010

Two umbrellas, one handle – the Dualbrella

The Dualbrella makes me ask many questions: Does the person holding the dualbrella right now look completely dead inside? Is the dualbrella a complete and utter umbrella FAIL? Is it impossible to NOT look like a complete douchebag while holding this? The answer is yes. It’s often we have ideas that “seem” like a good […]

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Inflatable balls holding people going 45mph on water? Yes please.

This gadget is intense. First there were water skis, inner tubes, wake boards and now this, the Spinning Tow Ball: A giant inflatable ball that spins uncontrollably across the surface of the water. Nice. They are deemed totally safe, even when hitting and bumping into one another. AND they are so scary you can rest […]

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Cold Blooded Vampire Ice Cubes are the perfect addition to any nerdy Twilight party

Twilight. The movie. Yeah. Now I’m not going to say Twilight sucks. It’s filmed in my home town. Okay it sucks. But anyways. What doesn’t suck are these ice cubes. Am I right people? Am I right? So go make yourself a Bloody Caesar you can really sink your teeth into! Vampire teeth ice cubes […]

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A Hot Potato game that is shockingly stupid

Here’s an old game with a new twist: the Hot Potato. You toss it around like the old Hot Potato, but when you get stuck holding this one you’ll crap your pants while being electrocuted. Sure it’s a fun game and all–if your idea if fun is dipping your nuts in water and having your […]

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