Archive for July, 2011

20 of The Most Creative and Coolest Salt and Pepper Shakers Around

Some of my favorite things belong on a kitchen table. So what’s the best thing to go on a kitchen table? Condiments! Here’s a list of some of my favorite Salt & Pepper Shakers which will forever be known as ‘The Most Creative and Coolest Salt and Pepper Shakers Around’. If you like stuff like […]

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We once were lost, but now we pee. Pee in the dark that is, with this handy little gadget

From glow in the dark toilet paper to even some fancy flushers we continue to wade through the various new toilet gadgets making a splash in the world today. This handy little pee-aid is the Potty Night Light – a tiny little switch that lights up the toilet bowl to prevent some unwanted decorating. One […]

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Books that can read to you from the grave, Recordable Storybooks

Here’s something cool that I’m about to turn freaky pretty quick. They’re called ‘Recordable Storybooks’. They all started when someone thought it would be a good idea to have a book read to you in the voice of someone you know, like your Grandma for example. Every Christmas she’d read to you your favorite story […]

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DX butchers the transformers with these weird weird stickers

Well here’s an interesting find that doesn’t make any sense. It’s some really bad engrish Decepttcon transformers stickers. Police? Does that even make any sense? And what transformer was around in 1865? Yup. Exactly what I thought. Just another interesting product we found from DX. Get these Decepttcon stickers here because hey, we all make […]

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