Archive for July, 2011

Oh say can you see, a movie looks better with the Movie Peg for the iPhone

The Movie Peg may appear simple, but it’s some serious smart portable iPhone stand awesomeness. The Movie Peg for the iPhone props up your iPhone vertically and horitzally so you can use FaceTime or watch movies without using your hands. Best of all it’s teeny so it can fit in your pocket, and best best […]

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Climb to the top of office accessory coolness with Memo Mountain

Memo Mountain is one of my new favorite office accessories. It’s a cork board that’s perfectly cut into the shape of a cute little mountain range. It can be mounted on your wall for you to stick all your pictures and notes on and magically leaves no sticky residue behind. But here’s the kicker: Yup. […]

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Enhance your phone conversations with this wacky sound machine

This sound machine produces high-quality SFX most commonly found in popular cartoons. But personally, I enjoy using it to enhance my phone conversations during work conference calls. There’s no feeling quite like the feeling when you tell everyone you’re about to walk down some stairs and then press the  ‘crash, boom, boink and bang’ button […]

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Waterproof gloves and socks literally get soaked and stay dry

The newest materials used in waterproof gloves and socks are pretty rad. They let you do some pretty amazing things. Can your gloves do this? These look a lot like the gloves I got from the running room way back in the day. The grip is awesome, but having waterproof gloves has proved to be […]

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