Author Archive for OneMoreGadget

Nothing says the Holidays like smelling like eggs after having a shower, it’s Egg Nog Soap!

Yup, they HAVE thought of everything. If this Egg Nog Soap existed in The Christmas Story, I can assure you we’d all be asking for Red Rider BB Guns and swearing like sailors. Washing our mouths out with soap like this is a delectable treat. Delish my friends, just delish. Did you know that egg […]

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Sock it to me! Tacky Christmas Socks now rival the Ugly Christmas Sweater

That’s right. You heard it here first. As you may know, Ugly Christmas Sweaters are all the rage, but all signs point to the next fad in holiday attire being the fantastic Tacky Christmas Socks. And I’m never wrong my friends. Never wrong. Except for that time I mistook Nick Nolte for Gary Busey and […]

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Turn your cucumbers into slinkies with the Cucumbo Spiral Slicer

If you are looking to turn your veggies into slinkies, look no further than the Cucumbo Spiral Slicer. It’s not every day I tell people that it’s okay to screw their food, but it is, and here’s how it works: Step 1. Place the cucumber into the Cucumbo. Step 2. Start twisting. Step 3. Decorate […]

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This just might be the toy of the year. It’s a Butterfly Toy so realistic, it’s jarring

Just when you thought toys sucked after the 80s, some crazy inventors came up with this: The Butterfly in a Jar. It’s probably the most awesomest toy pet you could have, and potentially the toy of the year. Screw those lame hamsters. You can’t put those things in a jar. Actually, you can. But they […]

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